Products & Services

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Hybrid Cables

High performance Optical fibres are placed in gel-filled buffer tubes which are stranded around a dielectric central member. Water blocking tape is added to eliminate water ingress & migration. Periphere strength members are included to provide appropriate pulling tension performance. An insulated pair of copper conductor is used as one of the stranding, elements for power transmissions to energies line components.

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All Purpose Cable

The loose tube containing fibres and jelly is protected by strength members aramid reinforced plastic rod. The ARP rod makes cable very flexible and provides good tensile strength and crush resistance. The cable can be installed on electric poles or directly buried or blown in ducts. The light weight and flexibility makes it ideal for FTTH application.


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Ceramic Armoured Cable

The loose tube containing fibres and jelly is protected by dielectric rigid ceramic armour and sheathed with HDPE. This cable is non-metallic, rodent proof, moisture resistant with very high tensile and crush resistance. This cable can be used for aerial, direct burial and duct installation.

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Ctv Cables Cost Effective Designs

Options Available

  • Nylon/LSZH/FRPE as outer Jacketing Available.
  • Customized designs are available on request.
  • Fibre options: SM (G652B/D, G655 & G657), MM (OM1, OM2 & OM3)
  • Dry core construction (non jelly) is optional.
  • Rip Cord is optional.
  • Composite of various types of fibres (SM & MM).
  • Metallic central strength member option available.
  • High fibre count cable designs are available on request
Fibre Reinforcement Plastic) Rods * About Us * Air Blown Cable Multitube Design * Air Blown Micro Cable Unitube Design * Air Blown Micro Fibre Cable * All Purpose Cable * Arp (Aramid Reinforcement Plastic) Rods * Break Out Cable * Cable Reinforcement Solutions * Ceramic Armoured Cable * Ctv Cables Cost Effective Designs * Double Sheath Construction * Drop Cable Flat Design * Droplite Cable * Fibre To Home * Figure 8 Design * Flat Twin Cable * Hybrid Cables * Icontrol * Loose Tube Design * Low Water Peak Single Mode Fibre * Multitube Design * Optical Cables * Ribbon Fibre Cables * Simplex And Duplex Designs * Smartcore Aerial Cable * Smartcore Duct Cable * Smartcore Ftth Cables (Aerial Installation) * Smartcore Ftth Cables (Fibre To Home Cables) * Smartcore Indoor Cables * Smartcore Special Application Cables * Smartcore Steel Armoured Cable * Teleglass Water Blocking Yarn * Tight Buffered Design * Unitube Design * Voip * Optical Fibre Cables * Optical Fibre * Electrical Cables (Cables Dealers) * Armoured Cables * Insulated Wires * Flexible Cable * Electrical Cables (Cables Manufacturers) * Cables (Cables Dealers) * Electric Cables * Coaxial Cables * Automotive Cables * Pvc Insulated Cables * Power Cables * Pvc Cables * Wires